Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dresses for Spring

jewels of the week

My Little Story!

So life has been a little crazy with the two kids and working again, but I haven't forgotten about my little blog...just had to neglect you a little. When I started this blog at the beginning of the year, I didn't know what avenue I wanted to take with it...being a mom, fashion, interior design, make-up( which I do as a career), jewelry(which I do as a career), or what it is like living back at home with your parents at 28... husband and two kids... while your husband is going back to school (to be a fireman)...and did I mention we have four dogs! Anyways, needless to say we are very happy, but at times overwhelmed. And this blog is a way to share all things that I love. I will never have a theme, but a feeling to this little place of mine. It is where I do my writing of thoughts through pictures(as I'm not much of a reader or writer). So enjoy my ups and downs with me. I will post pics of not just my fashions in the future, but my hot mess days as well. I want you to know the real me...because I am just finding her out myself.